Illegal Coal Mining : A Ticking Time Bomb
BY R.K.MISRA History repeats itself, first as a tragedy, second as farce, so goes a famous quote. Tragedy is the coal mine accident in Assam on January 6 where four people are confirmed dead and a national effort is underway to save the missing. The farce is that not one of the 26,000 abandoned rat-hole mines- in just one district of Meghalaya alone- has so far been closed despite an order, a decade ago. There are much more in many other. The nation-wide proliferation of illegal coal mining is a ticking time bomb that erupts like a boil on the body fabric of the country every time accidents take place. For the remainder, it keeps patiently nibbling away at the national economy creating black money barons while the establishment of the day is busy cherry picking piddly political opponents. Some North-eastern states of the country may be pock-marked with ‘abandoned’ yet activated illegal mines but the activity is rampant in other states like West Bengal, Jharkhand, Chhattis...